Only in July and August (Main Season)
During the main season we offer micro adventures and day trips.
Most days (depending on the weather) you will find an offer on the board in the accommodation. Brigitte is an experienced tour guide for Ireland and the area.
Examples of micro adventueres:
- Guided walks from the house to various locations on the peninsula
- Day trips to local beaches for swimming, stand-up board or storytelling
- Guided hikes in the area (Slieve Tully Mountain, Assaranca Source, Errigal Mountain, Slieve League Pilgrims Path or One Mans Pass)
- Day trips with boat trips (Slieve League or Arranmore Island)
- Day trip with sheepdog trail (Malin Beg)
Prices for these adventures are between 30,- € and 80,- € per person. Tickets and tour guide included.
In addition to our own offers we can help you organise your self-guided adventures. Our network to local attractions will help you to book your special adventure like horse riding, fly fishing, kayaking, bicycle hire, etc. Just ask us for contact details 🙂